I remember sitting in a University nutrition class listening to the professor explaining the concept of thermodynamics and caloric balance. It was a simple math equation, if calories in are less than calories out your end result is weight loss. Wow! I felt like I was just let in on […]
Obesity is the one of most visible consequences of poor eating habits and nutrition plays the key role in reversing this.
Why Focusing on Calories Can Hurt Your Health & Weight Loss
I know you’ve heard it before. The key to any successful weight loss program is to count calories and burn more than you take in. But with so many people increasingly becoming obese and sick, could this practice be missing the mark? The truth is, there is a much bigger […]
7 Crucial Steps for Long Term Weight Loss
Health is one of the greatest assets of any human being. Everyone wants to be fit and healthy. But ask one question to yourself โ are you really healthy? Or are you on the heavier side of health? Weight loss is one of the most common problems affecting us. Our […]
Heart Disease Starts in Childhood
By age 10, nearly all kids have fatty streaks in their arteries. This is the first sign of atherosclerosis, the leading cause of death in the United States. So the question for most of us is not whether we should eat healthy to prevent heart disease, but whether we want […]
Science-Backed Food Combining Rules for Optimal Nutrient Absorption
What is the science behind right food combining? Which food combining rules are simply myths and which have scientific backing? Learn food combining rules that aid optimal nutrient absorption and degrade the effects of anti-nutrients. Updated on October 20, 2022Updated on May 13, 2024 What’s the Science Behind Right Food […]
Why Is Sugar Bad For You?
I hardly ever have sugar in my menu. Why is that? Added sugar is the single worst ingredient in the modern diet.It can have harmful effects on metabolism and contribute to all sorts of diseases.Here are 10 disturbing reasons why you should avoid added sugar like the plague.
Why Is It Dangerous For Kids To Be Overweight?
The percentage of overweight children in the United States is growing at an alarming rate, with 33% of kids now considered overweight or obese. In Estonia it is fortunately less (10%), but still an alarming number of children. In UK 25% of boys and 33% of girls are overweight or […]