Learn how to do the Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, the full sequence of 10 exercises. You’ll also read about its origin, benefits, rules, and contraindications.
Disclaimer: This post is not intended as medical advice. Indeed, there’s no science behind those practices, only anecdotal evidence. In case of any chronic diseases or other physical ailments, please consult your physician.
In order to make it easier for you to follow the exercises, I’ve filmed the below video:
Table of contents
- Tibetan Hormonal Gymnastics: Origin, Benefits, Rules, and 10 Exercises
- The Origin
- What is Tibetan Hormonal Gymnastics?
- Possible Benefits
- The Rules
- Contraindications
- The 10 Tibetan Hormonal Exercises
- Exercise 1 – Rubbing the Hands
- Exercise 2 – Palming the Eyes
- Exercise 3 – Pumping the Ears
- Exercise 4 – Massaging the Forehead
- Exercise 5 – Facelift
- Exercise 6 – Massaging the Crown
- Exercise 7 – Massaging the Thyroid Gland
- Exercise 8 – Massaging the Abdomen
- Exercise 9 – Rotating and Shaking the Wrists and Ankles
- Exercise 10 – Rubbing the Feet, Legs, and Thighs
Tibetan Hormonal Gymnastics: Origin, Benefits, Rules, and 10 Exercises
I first heard about it from my mom when she’d been practicing it for quite some time already. For your information, I’ve been doing Tibetan hormonal gymnastics from about 2014. That’s dedication for you right here!
The Origin
Hormonal Tibetan gymnastics for longevity first became known from the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” more than 30 years ago.
According to the official legend, the Soviet specialists built a power plant in the mountains of Tibet. And there, they discovered a small monastery. At the request of the monks, the engineers installed a power line that reached the monastery. In gratitude, since they didn’t have any money, the monks offered to teach the secrets of preserving health and prolonging life.
Then, one of the professionals began to practice the Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, and according to him, it led to maintaining a good health. Moreover, his grey hair returned the original colour, and even at 80, he did not use glasses.
After reading about this story, the Russian folk healer Olga Orlova decided to try it on herself. She was able not only to significantly improve her health and establish hormonal balance, but also get rid of several chronic diseases.
Therefore, she decided to bring this technique to a wider range of people. From that moment on, this system was called “Tibetan hormonal gymnastics of Olga Orlova “.
What is Tibetan Hormonal Gymnastics?
Tibetan morning hormonal gymnastics include several simple actions that need to be done immediately after awakening.
The impact on certain points on the body, according to the claims of Buddhist monks, helps to open the energy chakras as well as strengthen the biofield. Thereby, these exercises are believed to improve the work of the endocrine system that is responsible for the state of the whole organism.
It’s noteworthy that the practice takes only a little bit of time. In fact, it is simple to perform, so people can practice it regardless of their health status and physical fitness.
Possible Benefits
In case of a regular practice during a long time, the following benefits are believed to occur:
- Increased vitality.
- Improvement of mental abilities and memory.
- Cleansing of the respiratory system.
- Improved lymph drainage.
- Better digestive system.
- Improvement of hearing and vision.
- Restoration of joint flexibility and better posture.
- Improved condition of heart and blood vessels.
- Relieving both physical and emotional tension.
The Rules
To get the maximum effect from the exercises, you must follow certain rules.
- Perform the exercises early in the morning, ideally between 6-8am. This is when our body responds best to energy manipulation.
- You can’t expect instant results, because the aggravation of your health occurred gradually as well. You should start noticing changes after a couple of months or even years. However, smaller improvements may manifest themselves much faster.
- Sometimes, after a certain time after the beginning of the exercise, various chronic ailments become aggravated. This indicates that your body has begun the process of self-healing. However, don’t to stop the practice.
- Preferably, do the exercises on a hard surface, for example on the floor or on the carpet. However, you could also stay in bed.
- This practice requires regularity. In the Buddhist teachings assert that the energy of a man can very quickly be violated. Even if you are engaged for many years, but have taken a break of only a few days, the result can quickly disappear. Therefore, don’t take longer than 2-day breaks.
There are some contraindications as well:
- Smoking as well as the use of drugs and alcoholic beverages.
- Acute cardiovascular disorders.
- Parkinson’s disease.
- Presence of a stomach ulcer or acute inflammation of the intestine.
- Risk of infringement of a hernia.
- Postoperative condition.
- Hypertensive crisis.
- Acute form of arthritis.
- Pathology of the spine.
In case of acute and chronic diseases, before starting the gymnastics, it is necessary to consult your physician.
The 10 Tibetan Hormonal Exercises
Exercise 1 – Rubbing the Hands
Lying on your back on a hard surface, put your palms together in front of your chest, pointing the ends of your fingers to your chin. Rub your palms against each other six to ten times, speeding up the energy flows until they become hot.
If, after rubbing, the palms remain dry and heated, your biofield is normal. If the palms do not warm up and become humid, it can mean that something is wrong with the body. Some sources even say that it may indicate cardiovascular disorders. In any case, continue with the exercises.
Exercise 2 – Palming the Eyes
The next exercise is for the improvement of vision.
Lay your hot palms onto your eyes and start pressing at the following rate: one second – one movement.
Then leave the palms on the eyes and keep them covered for at least another thirty seconds. If you have poor eyesight or other eye-issues, it is better to leave the palms rest for about two minutes.
During this time, you’re nurturing your eyes as well as all the receptors around them with energy. It is believed that gradually your vision will improve, and your natural hair-colour will be restored.
Exercise 3 – Pumping the Ears
The third exercise is believed to address ear diseases.
With the fingers on the back of the head, press onto your ears with your palms. Do 30 pumps in the rate of one movement per second.
The force of pressing should be comfortable and selected individually.
After some time, inflammatory symptoms may occur, especially if they’re related to the ears. Don’t stop the exercise, simply press lighter, if there’s pain.
After a while, the chronic inflammation in the ears should pass and the hearing should improve. Some sources claim that all chronic inflammations should pass in 6 months’ time. These actions are said to improve the energy in the ear canal and lead to the elimination of inflammatory diseases of the middle ear and improving hearing.
Exercise 4 – Massaging the Forehead
This exercise is for cleaning of maxillary sinuses (the sinuses next to your nose) and elimination of wrinkles on your forehead.
Place your right palm on the forehead, and the left on top of it. Start rubbing from side to side, from temple to temple at a speed of 30 movements in 30 seconds.
You don’t necessarily have to touch the forehead, leaving a few centimetres air space. But if you want to smooth out the wrinkles, you must rub against the skin. This exercise revitalises all the sinuses and stimulates the pituitary gland.
Exercise 5 – Facelift
Put your thumbs behind the earlobes and clench your hands into fists. Now, with your knuckles, start rubbing against your jawline, from chin to ears. Again, 30 times, one movement per second.
Press harder when you move from chin to ears and a bit lighter when coming backwards. Back and forth counts as one movement. After this exercise, you may feel a rush of blood to the face and a little sweat. Firming facial oval and improving lymphatic flow.
Exercise 6 – Massaging the Crown
This exercise is for the improvement of cerebral circulation and normalization of blood pressure. Also, for improving the condition of the joints and muscles of the arms.
If you want, you can support your neck with a pillow. Then, put your left palm onto the right and, leaving a few cm of airspace between your crown and the hands, start moving from your forehead to the floor or the neck and back. 30 quick movements, 1 per second. Back and forth counts as one movement. It’s like flying your hands over your head.
Then, do the same movement from ear to ear. Again, 30 movements in 30 seconds.
This exercise is believed to be good for those who have a high or low blood pressure. It can also improve mobility of the shoulder joints. Also, if you have any pain in your shoulders, it can pass. Or, if you previously could not raise your hands up, then after a while you should be able to easily do so.
Exercise 7 – Massaging the Thyroid Gland
The next exercise is to normalise the thyroid gland.
Place the right hand on the thyroid and put your left hand on top.
Now, start moving your left hand from the thyroid to your navel leaving a few centimetres between your hand and the body. 30 movements, back and forth. At the end place your left hand on the right and hold it there for a few seconds.
Exercise 8 – Massaging the Abdomen
This exercise is said to improve gastrointestinal function.
Slowly move your hands, keeping the left one on the right, onto your stomach. Start massaging from the right side, making slow clockwise circular movements applying a slight pressure. This movement is believed to restore normal bowel activity and pass chronic constipation.
Exercise 9 – Rotating and Shaking the Wrists and Ankles
The penultimate exercise improves blood circulation in the arms and feet, even in the small capillaries.
If you were on your bed so far, I’d suggest moving onto the floor now because this exercise is best done on a hard surface.
Lying on your back, lift your arms and legs. Then, rotate the hands at the wrist, and the feet at the ankle joints, first clockwise, then counterclockwise, and finally back and forth. Finish with shaking the limbs as if you tried to shake them dry. Do this for 30 seconds or longer. I usually count 12-14 rotations in each direction.
Exercise 10 – Rubbing the Feet, Legs, and Thighs
We finish our Tibetan hormonal gymnastics with rubbing our feet. It is known that on the feet there are active points associated with all organs. Stimulation of those points leads to normalisation of the whole organism.
Sitting on the floor begin to massage the feet. First one foot and then the other. If the feet are dry, lubricate them with some oil, for example olive oil.
In case you detect pain, massage those points for longer. Pay special attention to the centre of the feet. It’ll take about 30 seconds.
After that, rub your legs with both palms from the bottom up in straight movements. As if you’re smoothing them. I do 5 times each leg. And finally, with your hands in fists, massage your thighs on both sides from knees to hips in circular movements. This will take 30 seconds or longer.
